If you’ve been trying to exercise regularly this winter, you’ve run into a formidable opponent – brutal winter weather. And if you’ve given up trying to stay active, well, who can blame you? Winter seems determined to keep us on our couches and under our blankets this year. Regardless of [continue reading]
6 Things to Know About Healthy Fats and Your Diet
This week’s challenge in The Real Food Experience is to include healthy fats in your diet. It sounds like a fairly straightforward task, but once you start reading about dietary fat and trying to find the best advice, it gets confusing. Is saturated fat bad for you? Is cholesterol bad or [continue reading]
What if You Don’t Have Time to Eat Real Food?
This post is part of The Real Food Experience 2015. If you’ve been following the Experience since the beginning, you know that we’ve focused so far on two challenges – eating more fruits and vegetables and eating more whole grains. (If you haven’t joined us yet, there’s still plenty of [continue reading]
The Truth About Real Food – and 5 Reasons to Eat It Anyway
Throughout January, hundreds of women are working together toward a simple goal – improving their health by eating more real food. They’re taking part in The Real Food Experience 2015, a month-long challenge to make small, sustainable changes that will lead to better health and more energy. This post is [continue reading]
4 Ways to Enjoy Your Marriage in the Midst of the Christmas Chaos
How are your Christmas preparations going? Have you managed to get things under control, or are you floundering in a sea of unwrapped presents and “to do” lists? I’m going back and forth between the two. I feel unprepared, but am trying to tamp down that feeling and just go [continue reading]
12 Quick and Healthy Meals for Busy Families
Have you set a goal of eating well this year, but find that your schedule sometimes makes it almost impossible? When that happens, it’s time to stick to the basics and focus on simplicity. No new recipes, no fancy ingredients – just a few simple, tried-and-true meals. Here are 12 [continue reading]