This week, you can take a small but powerful step toward strengthening your marriage, simply by identifying your spouse’s love language. You can do this by reading the love languages book or taking a love languages quiz. If you already know your spouse’s love language, skip to the bonus step [continue reading]
How to Take a Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
When I envision a calm, healthy, and sexy woman, I picture someone who is willing, on occasion, to take a step or two outside her comfort zone. I don’t mean a woman who lives life on the edge or always pushes the boundaries. Rather, I picture a regular women doing [continue reading]
6 Simple Ways to Increase Your Confidence this Week
As women, we often lack confidence in important areas of our lives. Whether we’re worrying about our weight, bemoaning our appearance, doubting our skills as mothers, comparing ourselves to other women, or wondering whether our husbands find us attractive, self-doubt often hangs over us. More often than not, the things [continue reading]
This Week, Do One Thing to Be Intentional About Your Marriage
Very soon, fall schedules will be running full speed ahead. For some families, their schedules will run at warp speed – faster than anyone can possibly keep up. Sports, homework, school projects, dance, scouts, committees, jobs, and volunteer work will kick into high gear. And when they do, marriages tend [continue reading]
SmallStep #11 – Ask for the Things You Need
SmallSteps are simple things you can do to live a calmer, healthier and sexier life. You don’t have to turn your life upside down in order to make positive changes. Sometimes very small changes, repeated over time, can make a big difference. This week, consider adopting the SmallStep of asking for [continue reading]
SmallStep #6 – Replace Processed Foods with Real Foods
A SmallStep is one simple thing you can do to live calmer, healthier or sexier. This week, in the spirit of our Healthy Eating 101 series, consider taking the small step of replacing two processed foods your family eats with real foods. Once you’ve established those new foods as “regulars” [continue reading]