Some of you know that my Mom passed away unexpectedly in December. Since then, so many people have shared their stories and memories of her with me and my sisters. And because we celebrated her life with memorial services in two states, we were blessed to hear from people who [continue reading]
Is It Spring Yet? Staying Healthy, Fit and Sane When Winter Drags On
Record cold temperatures. Ice storms. Epic amounts of snow. Widespread power outages. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, just this – I am DONE with winter and so ready for it to be over! And if you live anywhere in the U.S. or Canada, I’m guessing you feel exactly the [continue reading]
Creating a Cycle of Love and Joy in Marriage
We all want to live in a cycle of love and joy – loving and being loved, knowing and being known, giving and receiving joy. But every marriage goes through times when that cycle is nowhere to be found. Times when both spouses are tense, frustrated, maybe even angry. In [continue reading]
Small Steps, Big Changes – Make a Plan for Living Calmer, Healthier and Sexier This Year
This month we’ve been talking about taking small steps that add up to big changes over time, changes that will allow us to live well and to really enjoy our lives this year. I’ve shared some ideas for living calmer, healthier and sexier, and many of you have shared a [continue reading]
10 Ideas for Living Healthier in 2014 – Small Steps, Big Changes
This week, we’re talking about taking small steps that can lead to big changes in our peace of mind, health, and marriages. We started off with Small Steps, Big Changes – Living Calmer, Healthier and Sexier in 2014, which introduced the idea of making one positive change at a time [continue reading]
Small Steps, Big Changes – Living Calmer, Healthier and Sexier in 2014
I’m all about making small changes and taking small steps toward achieving goals. I know some people can go “all in,” making big changes and taking big steps all at once, but I’m not one of them. If you’re one of those people, someone who can overhaul your diet or [continue reading]