Is your marriage something that brings joy and companionship into your life? Or is it just another item on your “to do” list? I ask this because I read an article this week which suggests that, for many women, marriage is the latter. It’s the thing that makes them “time starved,” [continue reading]
This Week, Do One Thing to Be Intentional About Your Marriage
Very soon, fall schedules will be running full speed ahead. For some families, their schedules will run at warp speed – faster than anyone can possibly keep up. Sports, homework, school projects, dance, scouts, committees, jobs, and volunteer work will kick into high gear. And when they do, marriages tend [continue reading]
5 Strategies for Eating Well Next Week
Feeding our families well should be a joy, but often it seems like just one more item on our “to do” lists. Planning meals, shopping, cooking, providing snacks for family members on the go – it just feels like a lot of work! And if you’re trying to serve more [continue reading]
The Marriage Lesson I Learned in Traffic Court
I’m embarrassed to tell you that I spent part of yesterday morning in traffic court. And I’m even more embarrassed to tell you why I was there. Several weeks ago, while sitting in rush hour traffic on the way to work, I decided to turn right and get out of [continue reading]
3 Questions That Can Reduce Stress and Increase Calm in Your Life
Life seems to be busy, almost chaotic, for most families. How are things going for you? If you feel reasonably calm and have maintained a grasp on your sanity, I applaud you. And I’m guessing you’re in the minority. If you feel tense and frazzled, and dread looking at your [continue reading]
Redefining and Reclaiming “Sexy”
If you’re a married woman who’s struggling to appreciate and enjoy her sexuality, you face obstacles almost everywhere you turn. Even if you’re a woman who’s embraced her sexuality, you probably know those obstacles and feel them trying to derail you. I certainly do. Our culture places obstacle after obstacle [continue reading]