Here’s a small confession – I am not a crafty mom or a decorating mom. If you spend any time reading blogs or checking out Pinterest, you know that many, many women are crafty moms. Others have created beautiful homes that look like they belong in magazines. I am in [continue reading]
Redefining and Reclaiming “Sexy”
If you’re a married woman who’s struggling to appreciate and enjoy her sexuality, you face obstacles almost everywhere you turn. Even if you’re a woman who’s embraced her sexuality, you probably know those obstacles and feel them trying to derail you. I certainly do. Our culture places obstacle after obstacle [continue reading]
When Your Body Feels Like Your Enemy…
Do you ever feel like your body is your enemy, rather than your friend? I’ve been thinking for a while that many women feel exactly that way, and several things I read this week helped clarify the idea in my mind. In particular, three posts by J at Hot, Holy [continue reading]
Beauty is a Package
Beauty is a package. It’s the way you look + the way you feel + the way you treat others + the way you treat yourself. Before we go any further, let’s just get this out in the open – a few women are born with stunning physical beauty. We [continue reading]
Love Your Body
I’ve been thinking a lot about women’s bodies this week. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about the love-hate relationship many women have with their bodies, which is often more about hate than love. And wondering why we do that – why we think and feel things that allow us to hate [continue reading]
2 Questions That Can Help Your Pursue Your Dream – “Why not me? Why not now?”
Recently, I attended a conference for women bloggers, sponsored by The SITS Girls. I went to the conference expecting to learn a lot, and I did. I did not go expecting to be inspired, but I was. All of the speakers presented great information that I’ll use to improve this [continue reading]