A few days ago, I wrote about 5 free gifts we can give ourselves. Originally I planned to write about 6 gifts; the 6th was give yourself time to think. But I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to say about it, so I focused on 5 gifts and gave [continue reading]
Live with Joy and Peace
Friends, I hope these words from Psalm 37 encourage you to live with joy and peace. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Gaye Linking up with Inspire Me Monday, Flamingo Toes, SITS ShareFest, Fluster Buster, That Friday Blog Hop, Shaken Together, The Grant Life, Ladies Holiday, Friday Chaos, Twinkle in the [continue reading]
A Calm, Healthy, Sexy Woman Lives at Your House
Living a calm, healthy and sexy life isn’t just for women in Hollywood. It’s for us too – regular women who are working, cooking, teaching, caring for families, and handling 100 other tasks. If you’re having trouble finding the calm, healthy, sexy woman who lives at your house, here are [continue reading]
SmallStep #3 – Set a Limit or Establish a Boundary in Order to Live the Life You Really Want
A SmallStep is one simple thing you can do to live a calmer, healthier or sexier life. This week, consider taking the small step of setting a limit or establishing a boundary that will allow you to make time for things you really want to do. If you’re like me, [continue reading]
7 Strategies for Beating the Winter Blahs
I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely feeling the effects of winter. Short days, gray skies, rain, and colder temperatures have given me a mild dose of the winter blahs. For me, the symptoms of the blahs tend to revolve around “woe is me” type problems – thinking that [continue reading]
Strategy #9 – Take Some Time for Yourself
Today’s strategy for living a calm, healthy and sexy life this year is to take some time for yourself. If you’re a wife and mother who takes good care of everyone else but doesn’t take good care of yourself, I encourage you to make time for yourself a priority this [continue reading]