Welcome to Strategy #3 of 12 Strategies to a CalmHealthySexy New Year. Yes, I know that some of you are laughing derisively at the idea of sleeping 7 or 8 luxurious hours every night. You may dream of getting that much sleep (lol!), but believe it’s an unattainable goal. Or [continue reading]
Strategy #2 – Eat (Mostly) Whole Foods – A CalmHealthySexy New Year
Welcome to Strategy #2 of 12 Strategies for a CalmHealthySexy New Year. If you’re striving to take great care of your body this year, consider adopting a diet that includes many whole foods and few processed foods. Here are a few whats, whys and hows to help you get started. (For [continue reading]
12 Strategies for a CalmHealthySexy New Year
What does it mean to live a Calm, Healthy and Sexy life? To me, it means managing my stress level and maximizing my emotional energy, taking care of my body and health, and enjoying intimacy, romance and sex with my husband. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be striving [continue reading]
End the Year with Fireworks!
Let’s end the year with a bang (so to speak – lol!) by making sex and intimacy a priority. Over the next few days, decide that fun, exciting and/or romantic sex with your husband will move to the top of your “to do” list. Then take some steps to ensure [continue reading]
A Few Final Gifts (No Trip to the Mall Required!)
As the time available for checking items off your “to do” list winds down, consider giving yourself and your loved ones these gifts for Christmas: Give yourself the gift of “enough” – Very soon (maybe today!) decide that you have done enough, bought enough, planned enough, and prepared enough. Yes, [continue reading]
8 Quick Tips for a Sexier Christmas Season
This week I’ve written about quick tips for enjoying a calmer Christmas and a healthier Christmas season, and today I’ll share a few tips for enjoying a sexier Christmas season. My hope and prayer is that these three posts, combined with your own good ideas, will help you to feel [continue reading]