Has the sex in your marriage gotten a bit dull? Or is your schedule so busy that it just isn’t happening very often? Do you feel disconnected from your husband and want to reignite your intimacy and connection? Or is everything going smoothly, but the two of you just want [continue reading]
Is Exhaustion Destroying Sex in Your Marriage?
I’m honored to be guest posting at Julie Sibert’s blog, Intimacy in Marriage, today. As part of her “What is Destroying Sex in Your Marriage?” series, I’m talking about the effects of exhaustion and the toll it can take on sex and intimacy in marriages: Do you often feel too [continue reading]
3 Simple Strategies for Increasing Organization and Reducing Stress
One thing we can do this spring to feel calmer and less stressed is to organize a few things. Notice I didn’t say “get organized,” because that sounds too overwhelming. It seems to imply that if we can’t organize everything, we shouldn’t bother organizing anything. But nothing could be further [continue reading]
4 Ways to Stop Driving Yourself Crazy
For most families, spring is one of the busiest times of the year. Which means, for most wives and moms, that schedules and to-do lists that already seemed crazy are about to get even crazier. At a time of year when many women are longing to slow down and enjoy [continue reading]
Make Easy, Healthy and Delicious Salad Dressings and Marinades
Are you looking for easy ways to add more real food to your family’s diet? One simple way is to make quick and easy vinegar and olive oil dressings and use them on salads and as marinades for chicken, meat and vegetables. I make Red Wine Vinegar Dressing and Marinade [continue reading]
5 Ways to Pursue a Goal or Dream – Even if You Don’t Have Time
If you’re a busy wife or mom, pursuing one of your goals or dreams may seem completely unrealistic. Your day-to-day responsibilities probably consume almost every minute of every day, with no time or energy left for anything that isn’t absolutely essential. Because of that, you may have set aside your [continue reading]