My family loves applesauce, and I make it often in the fall and winter. Homemade applesauce tastes wonderful – it’s much yummier than applesauce from a jar. And when you use a simple applesauce recipe and make your own, you control the ingredients, particularly the amount of sugar. Because I’m [continue reading]
Simple Ways to Make Sex a Priority in Your Life and Marriage
One of our mantras around here is that small steps can lead to big changes. You don’t have to turn your life upside down in order to make changes that will help you live a calmer, healthier or sexier life. Instead, you can make small changes gradually that lead to [continue reading]
Freezer Soup – Real Food That’s Easy, Cheap and Delicious!
Tonight we’re having “Freezer Soup” for dinner. But don’t tell anyone in my family – they think we’re having “Mom’s Homemade Vegetable Soup.” The two are similar except for one key difference – “Freezer Soup” allows me to grab real food ingredients I’ve been saving in my freezer for several [continue reading]
Do One Thing – The DOT Method for Getting Stuff Done to Improve Your Life, Health and Marriage
You know those things that you really want to do, but just can’t seem to find the time? Things like starting to eat healthier, getting into a regular exercise routine, losing weight, spending more time with your husband, setting up your office, de-cluttering a room, or starting a creative project. [continue reading]
An Easier Way to Talk to Your Daughter about Sex
As a parent, talking with your child about sex is one of the most important – and stressful! – things you do. In our sex-saturated culture, it seems like an uphill battle – not only is it awkward, it seems like you may lose the war before you even enter [continue reading]
How to Take a Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
When I envision a calm, healthy, and sexy woman, I picture someone who is willing, on occasion, to take a step or two outside her comfort zone. I don’t mean a woman who lives life on the edge or always pushes the boundaries. Rather, I picture a regular women doing [continue reading]