Do you talk with God throughout the day, asking Him to guide you toward his plans and purposes? Or do you make your own plans, then charge through the day on a quest to achieve them? I’d like to say I always do the former, but more often than not [continue reading]
Is He Your “Beloved?”
“Beloved.” It’s an old-fashioned word, one we don’t use very often. The dictionary defines it very simply – a person with whom one is in love. For all of us, I hope that person is our husband. But do we treat him as our “beloved,” or as just another person [continue reading]
8 Real Food “Rules” for Healthier Living
(Please welcome my friend Christina, author of Juggling Real Food and Real Life, who is sharing with you today while I’m on vacation. Christina is one of my dearest blogging friends, someone who has supported me through the ups and downs of my blogging adventure. She’s a great advocate for [continue reading]
The Coconut Cake of Marriage and Sexual Intimacy
(While I’m on vacation this week, I’m thrilled to share a guest post by my friend Bonny at Pearl’s Oyster Bed. She writes to encourage all wives, and especially low-libido wives, to create sexual intimacy in their marriagesĀ She is also a great friend of this blog and an encouragement [continue reading]
Walking Through Fear
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 As someone who leans toward fearfulness, I want to live as if these words [continue reading]
As-You-Like-It Granola
To me, homemade granola is a near-perfect real food – it makes a delicious breakfast or snack, everyone in my family loves it, and I control the ingredients – so I know it’s good for us. As-You-Like-It Granola is my favorite recipe, because I can customize it with the ingredients [continue reading]