I never feel beautiful, and most days I don’t even feel attractive. And I know I’m not alone. I’m guessing that you struggle to feel attractive too. Why is that? Why do most of the women we know struggle with knowing how to feel attractive. I’ll tell you why. It’s [continue reading]
5 Nutrients and Foods for Glowing Skin
You know that eating lots of carbs, sugar, and fast food can make your skin look dull and puffy. And you’ve probably heard that fruits and vegetables can make it look healthy, even glowing. But have you ever experienced that glow? And what foods might help you achieve it? And, [continue reading]
8 Inexpensive Ways to Make Your Skin Glow
Some women have skin that glows naturally. They can wash their face with any old bar of soap, skip the moisturizer, eat a questionable diet, and ignore all of the “make your skin glow” articles. Sadly, though, I’m not one of those women. (And the situation isn’t improving with age.) [continue reading]
11 Ways to Love Your Body
Recently, we talked about 3 reasons for learning to love your body. Those reasons are important, and I think that every woman should think about and begin to work on them. But it’s one thing to know why your should love your body, and quite another thing to convince your [continue reading]
“You Look Great!” 5 Ways to Look and Feel Attractive
If you’re like most women, you don’t feel as if you “look great” at all. You dislike your appearance most of the time, and you never feel beautiful. If you ever walk by a mirror and think, “Oh, I look pretty good today,” you’re shocked. How do I know? Because [continue reading]
6 Things to Know About Healthy Fats and Your Diet
This week’s challenge in The Real Food Experience is to include healthy fats in your diet. It sounds like a fairly straightforward task, but once you start reading about dietary fat and trying to find the best advice, it gets confusing. Is saturated fat bad for you? Is cholesterol bad or [continue reading]