Welcome to Strategy #2 of 12 Strategies for a CalmHealthySexy New Year. If you’re striving to take great care of your body this year, consider adopting a diet that includes many whole foods and few processed foods. Here are a few whats, whys and hows to help you get started. (For [continue reading]
12 Strategies for a CalmHealthySexy New Year
What does it mean to live a Calm, Healthy and Sexy life? To me, it means managing my stress level and maximizing my emotional energy, taking care of my body and health, and enjoying intimacy, romance and sex with my husband. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be striving [continue reading]
8 Quick Tips for a Healthier Christmas Season
Christmas is just over two weeks away (yikes – let that sink in for a minute!). Although it’s hard to do, I hope you’ve been able to feel at least somewhat calm, healthy and sexy during this busy time of year. Earlier this week I suggested a few quick tips [continue reading]
4 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays
Is it possible to feel calm, be healthy, and feel sexy during the holidays? Or are the six weeks from Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) to New Year’s Day just a pit of stress, overeating, no exercise, and very little intimacy? Although our culture pushes us toward the later, I believe [continue reading]
Key #2 to a Calm, Healthy, Sexy Life – Feed Your Body Well
What have you eaten today? What did you eat yesterday? Think for a minute about the foods you’ve eaten recently. Did they nourish your body, or just provide it with calories to keep going? Were you able to enjoy them, or did you barely notice them as you rushed to [continue reading]