For many years, I made a dumb marriage mistake. It was a mistake that caused stress for me, confusion for my husband, and frustration between the two of us. In some ways it was a simple mistake (although not necessarily an easy one to fix), but for a long time [continue reading]
20 Easy and Healthy Family Meals – Free ebook
If you’re a busy mom on the go, and especially if you’re trying to feed a busy family, you know how tempting it is to rely on fast food and prepared meals. It’s hard to come up with easy and healthy family meals when you’re pressed for time – and [continue reading]
Healthy Eating 101, Part 4 – Let’s Get Started!
OK, it’s time. If you’ve stuck with me through the first 3 parts of Healthy Eating 101 – organization and planning, bad news about processed food, and good news about real food – you’re probably giving serious thought to changing the way you and your family eat. (Includes affiliate links) Wonderful! [continue reading]
Healthy Eating 101, Part 3 – 4 Reasons to Eat Real Food
You know that you’re supposed to eat real food, but what exactly is it? I’m sure there’s a formal definition somewhere, but here’s my definition – real food is the food our great grandparents ate. It’s the food everyone ate, back when food came from farms, not factories. Basically, it’s [continue reading]
5 Ways to Think (and Act!) Like Your Husband’s Lover
For many of us, the term “lover,” when it refers to a woman, conjures up images of a mistress, someone who’s engaged in a wild fling, or a character in a romance novel. Her life seems a little shocking, rather scandalous, and maybe just a tiny bit exciting. We might [continue reading]
Wait, There’s a Sex Podcast for Married Women?
Are you a married woman? Do you want to enjoy or improve sex and intimacy in your marriage? Are you looking for ideas that can make sex more fun? Do you sometimes have questions about sex, but aren’t sure where to find answers? Or do you sometimes have questions that [continue reading]