It’s hard to believe, but the year is half over and July is upon us. In January, we talked about taking small steps to make healthy changes that would allow us to live calmer, healthier and sexier lives this year. Back then, it seemed like winter would never end, and cold [continue reading]
5 Ways to Treat Yourself Like a Friend – Self Care Strategies for Busy Women
Do you ever say any of these things to a good friend? Wow, you’ve gained a lot of weight. Your house is a wreck. Why can’t you get more done? Your hair is a disaster. Why aren’t you a better wife/mother/employee/friend? You don’t have time to exercise, eat well, get [continue reading]
8 Stress Relief Tips for Busy Women
Have you been thinking about how to reduce the amount of stress in your life and live a little bit calmer this year? If so, I’m right there with you. In fact, I’d guess that most women reading this post are hoping for a little less stress and a lot [continue reading]
100 Free Resources for Busy Women – Bloggers Share Their Best Food, Family, Health and Organization Freebies
If you’re a busy woman who’s looking for resources that will make your life a bit easier, this post is for you. And if you love it when those resources are free, then it’s definitely for you. I’ve had the pleasure of working with 17 fabulous bloggers to create a collection [continue reading]
4 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life and Marriage
I try to keep my stress level under control, and you probably do too. I’m always looking for ways to reduce stress and to limit the number of things that add stress to my life. But keeping stress tamped down is hard, and sometimes it’s just about impossible. Things we [continue reading]
6 Simple Ways to Increase Your Confidence this Week
As women, we often lack confidence in important areas of our lives. Whether we’re worrying about our weight, bemoaning our appearance, doubting our skills as mothers, comparing ourselves to other women, or wondering whether our husbands find us attractive, self-doubt often hangs over us. More often than not, the things [continue reading]