Have you ever really wanted to make a change, but realized that months were going by and you weren’t doing anything to make it?
Have you ever set a goal at the beginning of the year, but found at the end of the year that you hadn’t made any progress toward reaching it?
Yeah, me too. That’s happened over and over in my life – so many times I’ve lost count. And it’s happened to most of the women I know too.
For example, I used to resent sex. I liked it well enough in the moment, but thinking about it, planning for it, and anticipating it made me feel resentful. It made me feel tired (and I was already tired) and made me feel kind of angry toward myself and my husband.
I felt that way for a long time (too long!) and nothing changed until I decided to make changes and just started making them.
My friend Kristine never felt good. She was overweight, her digestive system was out of whack, and she barely had enough energy to get through the day. She was pretty sure that she knew the cause of her problems – a diet high in fast food and processed foods – but she didn’t think she had the time or energy to do anything about it.
She felt that way for a long time – and eventually could no longer make it through the day – until she decided to make changes and just started making them.
By deciding and starting, I was able to change my thoughts and feelings about sex and begin embracing (rather than resenting) my sexuality. Chris was able to heal her digestive system, lose weight, and develop the level of energy she needed to manage her life as a busy wife, mom, and professional woman.
It wasn’t fast or easy for either of us, but it began with two simple steps – we decided and we started.
If you only do two things in 2021, I hope it will be these two things –
Just Decide.
Just Start.
“Just Decide” means to determine at least one thing you want to do or change in 2021 and decide that you are going to do it. It means choosing not to let life just happen, but instead – in at least one area that’s important to you – deciding to make something different happen.
“Just Start” simply means that you begin. You don’t know all the answers, you aren’t sure exactly what you need to do – but you just start.
You can apply Just Decide and Just Start to almost any area of your life.
(Download a printable PDF copy of the Just Decide. Just Start. graphic here.)
Do you want to start exercising regularly, eating a healthier diet, or losing weight?
Do you want to start communicating better with your husband, enjoying your marriage more, or embracing your sexuality?
Do you want to start exploring a dream, a hobby, or a business idea?
Do you want to get your finances under control, declutter your house, or put a home management system in place?
Whether you want to do one of these things, or something entirely different, I want you to make 2019 the year that you actually do it. Don’t just think about it, don’t just wonder what it would be like, don’t just worry about whether you have enough time/energy/money.
Instead, Just Decide and then Just Start.
I know it’s not simple. Saying that you’re going to decide something and do it is much easier than actually deciding and doing! But, those two steps are critical – you can’t make any progress until you’ve taken them.
Over the past 6 months I’ve been reading and listening and learning about what it takes to make a plan or a goal or a dream actually happen. And over the next 2 or 3 weeks I’ll share with you what I’ve been learning (which is still a work in progress!).
What’s your dream for this year? If you could do something different or make a change in your life, what would it be? Reply to this email and let me know. I’d love to hear from you, and I’ll share my dream with you.
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