When it comes to sex, do you ever wonder if something is wrong with you – or even if you’re somehow “broken.”
If so, you’re not alone. Most married women worry some (or most!) of the time that they’re doing something wrong, that something is wrong with them, or even that their body or their interest in sex is flawed in some way.
But most often, nothing is wrong with you or me or the thousands of other women who think this way. And we’re not broken.
This week, my friend J. Parker, author of the Hot, Holy and Humorous blog, addressed one of the biggest worries that married women have when it comes to sex – “I can’t orgasm during intercourse. Is there something wrong with me?”
The short answer is “no” – about 70% of women don’t orgasm easily or regularly with intercourse. If that includes you (it includes me!), there’s nothing wrong with you! J explains how and why this happens and offers some practical tips for increasing the chance of reaching orgasm during intercourse.
Also, in addition to “something is wrong with me,” you and I are likely to believe other things about ourselves and about sex that just aren’t true, including:
- Sex is primarily for my husband, not for me
- My sexuality should look just like my husband’s
- I’m not enough
- Christian women/married women shouldn’t be sexy
If you believe any of those things, I encourage you to listen to the two most recent episodes of the For Christian Wives podcast – Lies Women Believe, Part 1 and Lies Women Believe, Part 2.
If you haven’t listened to this podcast before, I think you’ll really like it. It’s four Christian marriage bloggers (including me!) sitting around a virtual kitchen table, talking about sex and encouraging wives to embrace their sexuality and to enjoy sex and intimacy in their marriages. In these two episodes we’re debunking lies that get in the way of women doing those things.
If you believe anything negative about yourself when it comes to your body, your sexuality, or your enjoyment of sex, I hope you’ll check out J’s article and the two podcast episodes. I think that they will encourage you.
Also, this week I published my new 14-page mini-ebook – Guide to Romantic Essential Oils. It’s designed to help you learn to use essential oils and scents as a way to relax, slow down, and boost your interest in sex. It’s just $1.95, and you can learn more about it and buy it here.

Cassie from True Agape says
We cant blame others if they think negatively. This might be because of a past experience but the good thing is we have a support system. We have blogs where we can read stuff to encourage us.
GC says
Thanks Cassie. Yes, I agree that we need to call on all of the resources we can muster in order to have a great sex life.
J. Parker says
Thanks so much for the shout-out, Gaye! And I truly believe our “Lies” podcast episodes are among the most important ones we’ve done.